I love museums as much as you do!
museums.love tells stories. I want to share with you stories about museums and their collections, in a way that’s as inclusive and vivacious as possible. These stories can be profound, quirky, unusual, or universal. They reveal our humanity, and they need to be told!
You’re passionate about this too? Fantastic! I am always eager to make new contacts. If you would like to step in as a content provider or partner, or otherwise reach out with any other inquiry, please get in touch here!

Founder • Stephanie Pearson
After years of toting sketchbooks through art museums, Stephanie formalized her love of museums with a Ph.D. in art history at U.C. Berkeley. Moving to Berlin in 2012 led to her first museum job, leading tours in the Pergamon Museum. Her museum work has expanded ever since, from translating and managing social media to teaching university students on Museum Island.