Outdoor Museum: Monuments of Potsdam

Join me on an arctic-temperature tour in which YOU stay nice and toasty warm!

Museums can be homeschooling heroes!

A collection of online-learning resources.

Embracing the Digital Museum

Two model museums offer an online smorgasbord.

Filming The Invented History at KINDL

We share a passion not just for archaeology, but for highlighting how history gets written.

The Best Holiday Shopping in Online Museum Stores

Gifts for everyone from fashion victims to creative kids-at-heart.

Transparency and Inclusion: Do Better!

Museums must open themselves to their audiences.

Gastbeitrag aus San Francisco! Kate Kate verliebt sich in die Beatniks (German version)

Eine Autorin unter den Künstler*innen und Autor*innen der Beat-Generation.

Guest Post San Francisco! Kate Kate falls in love with Beatniks

A writer among the artists and writers of the Beat Generation.

Review: New Permanent Exhibition in Jewish Museum Berlin

Renovation suggests wanting to share a new message. But what is it?